Iritshi Radu


Irit Fullbody Image

Irit as she appears at the start of Forged From Dust.
Full Name Iritshit Radu
Other Names Irit
Age 30
Gender female
Beast terrestrial mammal1
Occupation mage (formerly)
Residence Metisan, Ferind (formerly)
Rajad Outpost, Oshar (formerly)
Greater Oshar
Affiliations religion (name TBD)
Travel Trio
Ferind refugees
Status alive
Role deurotagonist
First Appearance EP 01
Title TBD
Last Appearance EP 20
Title TBD
Gallery Hosted on
"Character quote here. Say something flashy!"
— Character Name

Write a summary for the character here. It should serve as a nice introduction while not being too overly wordy. Keep in mind characters' profiles are written in the context of FFD's beginning, as they're meant to introduce people to said characters.

Two paragraphs will probably look the nicest, at least for more important characters. Others? Who knows!

Show Content
  • 1. Summary
  • 2. Appearance
  • 3. Personality
  • 4. History
    • 4.1. Early Life
    • 4.2. Present Day
  • 5. Abilities
    • 5.1. Magic
    • 5.2. Beast
    • 5.3. Skills / Talents
  • 6. Relationships
  • 7. Trivia
  • 8. References


Ohh I hate appearance sections, but it'd be nice to have. Probably won't need to exceed more than one paragraph for this. Could use this chance to redirect to a character's design notes on Or just use lists to mark any important features.


My other least favorite section! Describing how a character acts. Yippee! For the Travel Trio, just their "first face" on their lengthy profiles can go here. Other characters can have their full personality sections, as those are probably not as extensive as the trio's.


Content Warnings: list CWs here, if needed.

Early Life

Bits about the past go here. Keep this spoiler-free.

Present Day

What's this guy up to around the start of FFD?




Skills / Talents


Character Name

"Character's thoughts about the character."

Describe the characters' relationship to one another. Doesn't have to be super lengthy, just a paragraph works. Remember, keep it to how things are at the start of FFD.



[1] Inhabitants page. Details what terrestrial and mammal mean in the context of a beast.
[2] Magic page. "[...] In another life, though, we might've been able to figure out how to harness its power."