

This is an OOC page discussing the meta information of Zombolini: Apocalypse Now.

This website hosts the wiki for the metafictional project Zombolini: Apocalypse NOW! It's based on early 2000s cartoons and is heavily influenced by projects that face rough development and outright cancelation due to a plethora of reasons. Part of the project relies on what was and wasn't acceptable to air in the 2000s; sure, you could have a 10-minute episode dedicated to a character harvesting his classmates' organs, but god forbid you have a canonically gay couple.

This mock-wiki is meant to be the fullest extent that Zombolini: Apocalypse NOW! is enjoyed in. It's meant to emulate older fan-pedias, and as the project is played off as canceled sometime during production, it's purposefully filled with dead links that are denoted by a red color. Furthermore, an entirely separate cast of characters that are meant to serve as the show's crew have been created. As of the most recent update, this project is far from finished, so any actual broken links will be amended eventually.

Who's Behind This?

Hey hey, I'm known as Udachox on various corners of the internet! I'm a woman who's way too obsessed with animation in all its forms, both the end result and development. Shows, movies, and games alike influence me and have done irreparable damage to my psyche (and will continue to do so). And, well, it's gotten bad enough to where I have an entire metafictional project about it.

Want More Zombolini?

I'm flattered! Most of what you see on the wiki is what's available to the public, as it's the intended way to view and engage with this project. However, expanded character galleries and a different style for their profile information can be found on They're treated more like characters there rather than a metafictional project, though, so be warned of the tonal shift.

If you're interested in sharing my project, feel free to either link the homepage directly or use the site's button!
(button will exist eventually, stay tuned.)

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Bolt from the Blue Legends of Empyria Oneirosea Yemaja

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This website would not be possible without the following:


Several aspects of this project are inspired by media I've consumed both growing up and in the not-so-distant past. These include:


The names and characters present within Zombolini: Apocalypse Now are purely fictional. Any resemblance they have to actual people, be it in name or appearance, is coincidental.